Thursday, January 29, 2009

How To Write A Press Release In 14 Easy Steps

Writen by David Bain

Writing and submitting press releases isn't the same as writing and submitting articles about your business. Press releases have a much greater degree of credibility among hard copy publications and major current affairs orientated websites alike. They may be published as released, amended or changed completely to suit the publisher.

Seven ideas for a press release subject

1) The launch of your new website. Make sure you define who your target audience is, and differentiate specifically what your website offers

2) A free email newsletter that you're publishing. Again, make sure that you're specific about whom you're aiming at and why your service is of benefit

3) An RSS feed that you've introduced. Remember to give a brief background on RSS and its usefulness, as well as your service

4) A Podcast show that you've started. Podcasts are still new and original enough to gain good press coverage if your show's good enough

strategic alliance with another website. Whether it's an outsourcing relationship with your site coder, or an alliance with a business in the same field, there's a story in it

6) An online award that your website has won. Websites such as or specialise in reviewing websites in certain genres and 'awarding them'. If you don't enter, you can't tell anyone about it!

7) The reaching of a measurable milestone. Whether it's 1000 unique visitors in a day, or 1000 subscribers to your RSS feed, if it sounds good, it's probably a good story

Seven golden rules on how to format your press release

Your press release is aimed at grabbing a journalist's attention, and not your customer's attention. Bear this in mind when considering your title and objectivity. Follow the 7 golden rules on how to format your press release:

1) Don't use any unnecessary uppercase - it tends to denote shouting

2) Never try and sell your product or service. Convey great, interesting, new information

3) Remember that the journalist reading your article won't necessarily have in-depth knowledge of your industry, so don't be too technical

4) Use around 500 words. Much less and you won't be conveying enough information. Much more, and the journalist won't be able to find the facts, and your chances of getting published diminish

5) Basic grammatical errors are more common than you think. Always get somebody else to proof read your press release

6) Stick to the tried and tested layout as discussed in the 35 press release tips article

7) Always include your contact details and an 'About Us' section. Always be available to take calls after you submit a press release

Source to publish your press release

PR Web Direct include same day distribution, simple insertion process and enhanced priority placement on PR Web and eMediawire.

© Copyright 2006

David Bain is founder of the independent business articles resource, BuildYourOwnBusiness offers the latest business news & management advice on how best to build your own business - business articles on Strategy, eBusiness, Change Management & much, much more.

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