Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where To Send Letters To Editors For Maximum Publicity And Leads

Writen by Jim Huffman

Where do you send your letters to editors? The reality of letters to editors is that the smaller the publication, the more likely your letter will be published. Sending your letter to, say, the New York Times is -- unless you are the vice-president of the United States, or above-- is almost a guarantee that the letter will not be published. Not because the letter is not good, or anything else, but because they get thousands of letters a year, and can only print a few, so yours is more likely to get lost in the pile.

Unless you have something really exceptional to say. Having said what I did, know also that publications such as the Times do print letters from unknown writers if the writer has something to say, and says it well. What I don't want is for you to get discouraged by submitting to something like the Times, and giving up. Start lower. A weekly newspaper in your area will almost certainly print your letter (the dark secret of publishing is that publications have to come up with material on a regular -- sometimes daily -- basis, and sometimes that can be a real task). Give the smaller ones a chance, and hone your skills at writing, while .

These same rules apply to industry publications. While a national journal might get too many letters to print, a smaller industry publication, or a state journal might be desperately needing material, and would be happy to print what you write. Remember: your goal is to get published, not to try and score points. Look to get lots of letters printed, and you'll come out ahead.

The other rule about sending your letters is that it's not wrong to submit to more than one publication. The only rules about this are (1) the different publications you submit to should not be competing -- in other words, 2 local newspapers should not be sent the same letter -- and (2) if a publication insists that any letters sent to them should not be sent elsewhere, try and follow their rules.

Jim Huffman, RN specializes in natural and alternative healing therapies. His first book is 'Dare to Be Free: How to Get Control of Your Time, Your Life, and Your Nursing Career,' and is aimed at helping other nurses find satisfying, dynamic careers. His website is http://www.NetworkForNurses.com and his health blog is at http://www.shababa.blogspot.com

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