Saturday, May 10, 2008

Public Relations For Al Queda

Writen by Lance Winslow

What type of public relations does an international terrorist organization need which kills innocent people? Surely if you go around killing innocent life then you need some sort of public relations campaign. For instance in Lebanon; Hezbollah claimed it would help rebuild and was giving out $100 bills. This is a public relations campaign, but not a very good one when you consider its costs.

Community Goodwill is important but what can Al Queda do now that it has caused a severe divide in the world and killed so many innocent people? As Al Qaeda continues to show us videotapes and pictures of Osama bin Laden holding hands and meeting with those that flew the airliners into the world trade Towers during 9/11 one has to ask if they are merely rallying their own troops for more innocent telling or if they want to unite the entire Arab world in a common cause.

Italy from a public relations standpoint Al Qaeda is a disaster and any public relations firm would fire them as a client. They've done just about everything you wrong you can do to hurt their own cause. Rather than joining the political fray and using their strength and unity amongst the radical Muslim international terrorists crowd they have instead put targets on the backs of all of their leaders and anyone associated with them.

Al Qaeda is an interesting public relations case study and indeed a perfect example of what not to do in public relations, team building and then attempting to foster community Goodwill. Al Qaeda will perhaps go down as the worst case in public relations and the biggest publicity disaster in the history of all of mankind including the Arab world. Besides it is the victors who always write the history books and Al Qaeda is not long for this world. Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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