Friday, July 18, 2008

From The Desk Of A Business Coach The Rule Of Threes Get Them Talking About You

Writen by Molly Gordon

It seems that most folks I talk to these days want to build their business by word of mouth. That stands to reason. Word of mouth implies maximum acceptance by prospective customers and clients and minimal investment on part of the business. But how on earth do you get word of mouth started?

One is to follow The Rule of Threes, a time-tested public relations tool. The Rule of Threes is a way to start a buzz; that is, a way to seed a conversation about your work among your prospective clients and their networks. Here it is in a nutshell.

1. Decide who you want to be talking about you and your work. Who should be buzzing in order to bring you new work? Distill this to a few words, for example, "independent professionals who are cultural creatives." This is your target market.

2. What do you want them to be talking about? Example: "business coaching for people with heart."

3. Ask friends, colleagues, and acquaintances to think about what people in your market niche would be looking for when they consider investing in your products or services. To continue our example, you might ask, "What do you think a cultural creative service professional would look for in a business coach?" Keep asking until you come up with at least five attributes.

4. When you have five or more attributes, look for three that are both true about you and that have the most "juice" or energy for you. Use these as the basis for your Rule of Threes practice. For example: "Practical knowledge of what it takes to succeed; works in a way that honors mind, body, and spirit; well respected in his/her field."

5. Here's the three's part: Choose three ways to tell the world that you have these three attributes. For example, you might send a postcard to your network, post fliers for special events, and write a monthly column for a local newspaper. Repeat these measures three times over a period of three months and you will seed a buzz that will bring new work to your door in four or five months.

Implementing the Rule of Threes takes time, attention, and some creativity. However, it does not rely on costly advertising nor does it require you to use techniques that are unnatural to you. It's not an instant solution, but it works. If you start today, in four months you could have the kind of clients you dream of showing up wanting the work you do best. Isn't it time to get started?

Molly Gordon, MCC, is an internationally recognized business coach, writer, workshop leader, frequent presenter at live and virtual events worldwide, and an acknowledged expert on niche marketing. Join 12,000 readers of Molly's Authentic Promotion® ezine, and receive a free 31-page guide on effective self promotion.

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